Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Individual Scrum (follow-up)...

The other day I posted here about Pomodoro which I called individual scrum.

A couple days later I read a copy of "Getting Things Done" and posted about that on my personal blog (since it wasn't agile specific).

This pushed me to search for electronic tools to support some new ways of working that I was interested in achieving. That led me to a Facebook comment and some discussions around that. This is when I realized that my Agile blog readers might be interested in this information since it is about tech tools.

If you are interested in GTD, Pomodoro, or time management in general...check out the following:
All 3 have iPhone / Mobile apps to help you on the go.

I'm heading in the direction of RTM simply because it has a lower total cost and it seems to fit my needs (thought Vitalist was my other preference).

Peers of mine suggested looking into these also:
  • Jott
  • Evernote
  • Todo
  • Things (Mac only)
(Thanks Mike and Michael)



  1. Thanks, I'll check them out. Tiddlywiki is another good one which I've used and had success with: http://tiddlywiki.org/wiki/Main_Page

    Despite all these fancy tools, I keep coming back to my good 'ole fashioned Moleskine notebook which I keep in my pocket and use to scribble notes, numbers, stats, thoughts, and ideas, manage to-dos, goals, etc. You name it. I'm quite a busy person and it works just fine. I'm on notebook #12 and it's nice because it's quick & dirty and I have a chronological view into where I've been and where I'm going.

    - Greg

  2. I've had a few people point to good old paper, but how many of us carry that notebook with us outside of work? One of the goals implied in GTD is to have a master list available in all contexts, which a phone can provide.

  3. It just comes down to personal preference and the discipline to follow through with the option of your choice. If the phone works for you, fantastic. I manage overall GTD context in another very simple way that works great. I liked hearing about your ideas and was just sharing what works for me. The beauty of blogging.

    - Greg

  4. Totally agree. I miss paper slightly for the tactile interaction and ability to free form scribble.
