Monday, November 17, 2008

What is DONE?

A popular term for me. You probably hear me talk about it a lot... here is what DONE DONE means to James Shore:
A story is only complete when on-site customers can use it as they intended. In addition to coding and testing, completed stories are designed, refactored, and integrated. The build script builds, installs, and migrates data for the story. Bugs have been identified and fixed (or formally accepted), and customers have reviewed the story and agree it's complete.

To achieve this result, make progress on everything each day. Use test-driven development to combine testing, coding, and design. Keep the build up to date and integrate continuously. Demonstrate progress to your customers and incorporate their feedback as you go.
Wanna read more about done? Check out this InfoQ article on the power of DONE or this one on the Scrum Alliance by Mitch Lacey.

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